Cable Up And Broadcast TV Down In 2016 Political Spending
All the presidential campaigns apart from Donald Trump’s invested heavily in media campaigns. Hillary Clinton was the most significant spender among them all, while Trump was the one who received the most massive amount of media coverage. It has been estimated by some sources that about $9.8 billion was spent on media campaigns by the candidates.
Clinton Spent $141 Million on TV Ad Campaign Compared to Trump’s $10 Million

Clinton and her supporters aired several ads on TV to lure in voters
Clinton’s media campaigns were widely targeted and spread throughout the nation. However, Trump’s campaigns were specifically targeted towards a specific section of the community and were very well planned. In comparison, Clinton spent about $141 million on ad campaigns whereas Trump spent only $10 million. Trump made extensive use of data and digital marketing. Clinton could not wholly harness the powers of social media.
Clinton’s media campaigns were widely targeted and spread throughout the nation.
However, the common factor in all the candidates is that nobody ignored the importance of a TV ad campaign. Clinton and her supporters aired several ads on TV to lure in voters. Even Trump aired some TV last-minute ads. He pumped in about $7 million in TV ads itself, showing himself and his famous slogan “Make America great again.” Those ads were highly effective as said by Trump’s digital campaigning head.
TV Ads Down 20% Compared to 2012 Numbers
TV has always been the most popular medium of advertisement. Through it, candidates were able to reach a lot of voters. Almost 87% of the population over 18 watches TV, and thus, the audience base is quite large. While broadcast TV is a technology that is going away fast and it was evident in the campaigns of 2016.Spending on broadcast TV fell about 20% in comparison to 2012. The earnings came down to $4.4 billion from $5.4 billion. Broadcast TV has lost to cable TV and mostly to the internet. Rather than losing interest in broadcast TV, it will be better to say that candidates have found a better tool that is cheap and is available to a lot more public, the internet. Earlier it was mostly used for fundraising and donations, but candidates have realized better. They were able to turn it into an active medium with the help of digital marketing professionals.
Almost 87% of the population over 18 watches TV, and thus, the audience base is quite large. While broadcast TV is a technology that is going away fast and it was evident…
Clinton tried to target the youth, and she knew that Facebook or Twitter would be the best medium. Even Trump actively used his Twitter account to reach out to people, and his digital campaigning team worked extensively in screening some thousands of ads each day to increase their effectiveness.
TV Still Has Strong Followers

TV has always been the most popular medium of advertisement
However, the TV did not lose its touch. Late night TV shows, interviews to news channels, in which Trump was extensively involved and last minute ads. News channels apparently considered Trump as good for their business, and that is why he received such massive amount of free media coverage. The TV has gone through drastic changes after the introduction of services like Netflix and has left broadcast TV far behind.